“To see our language in the mouth of Jesus, the language we learned from birth… it goes directly to our souls.”
The following are just some of our amazing partners. If you or your organization would like to partner with us, please considering donating or contact us!
The Seed Company – For each new language, the Book of Luke is translated first, allowing
JESUS to be dubbed immediately.
SIL – The partnership that has helped produce the greatest quantity of
JESUS film products.
Denomination Partners
These represents just
a few of our amazing denomination partners! Would you like your church or denominational ministry to be included on this list?
Let us know!
Wesleyan Global Partners – Jesus Film Project provides media products and equipment, while the Wesleyans provide the manpower to show the
JESUS film and plant churches.
Faith Comes by Hearing – Reaching people from oral cultures. Jesus Film Project partners with this organization in 17 countries, using audio Bibles in local languages for follow-up after film showings.
Compassion International – Over the past 10 years, Wes Stafford, CEO, has been the best spokesperson for the children’s version of the
JESUS film. Thanks to his influence, 26 different children’s organizations now use the film in their curriculum.
Accord Network – A network of aid and development organizations, which includes World Vision, World Relief, and Samaritan’s Purse, doing evangelism among oral language groups.
Youth With A Mission International – One of Jesus Film Project’s up-and-coming partnerships, whose organization may potentially be the source of manpower needed to reach smaller language groups with the Gospel. Through this new partnership, YWAM will be training its workers ages 20-24 to do the job of physically recording the
JESUS film, specifically in areas of the South Pacific.
Global Aid Network (GAIN) – Overseas disaster relief and development projects in more than 30 countries. Every aid shipment sent out contains the
JESUS film.
Navigators – Through this partnership, the Navigators produce leadership studies, delivered via smartphone, by pairing segments of the
JESUS film with thought-provoking questions. Visit their site: